Has anybody else noticed that Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky has no smile wrinkles? He could have played the part of Odo on Deep Space 9 without any makeup.
I'm beginning to think he is an alien sent here to investigate the human species on our planet.
All joking aside, McConnell could be said to be the ranking Republican in the Senate. Yesterday, when President-elect Barack Obama talked about some of the details of his stimulus plan, McConnell posited that he (McConnell) and other Republicans had pressured Barack Obama and that as a result, part of Obama's economic stimulus package contained tax cuts for the middle class. Excuse me, shapeshifter McConnell, but this is the plan that Obama touted all during his campaign in the last two years. But if it makes you feel better to think that you have had something to do with the attempts to raise our nation's economy out of the quagmire that you and your fellow Republicans have sunk us into, go ahead and think it. But for God's sake, don't say it out loud. We, well, those of us who have been paying attention, are well aware that Obama has had the middle class tax cut in his economic plans for about two years now.
McConnell is taking credit for Obama's economic stimulus plan but when asked about the election counts showing that Al Franken would be the new senator from Minnesota, McConnell was quick to return to his usual persona of Senator "NO" saying that Franken will not be senator until he is certified.
If McConnell is the ranking Republican, we Democrats are in good shape. Between McConnell and Chip Saltsman, famous now for sending RNC members a CD with offensive Christmas songs like, "Barack the Magic Negro" for Christmas presents, the Republicans are imploding.
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